Date Someone Who Is Wrong For You

Friday, January 20, 2017

When Devon and I started talking we were both interested in other people. We both wanted to see these other relationships through, and so we sort of put each other in the friend zone. We would text but totally PG and I would even ask him advice about this other guy. I was fine with this because through texting with him, I knew he wasn't my type.

This is going to sound silly, but the reason I wasn't really interested in getting to know him in a romantic sense was that he was "too positive." He spoke to me like he was speaking to a crowd of people as a motivational speaker. He used a lot of smileys and exclamation marks. Of course being this upbeat is better than being negative, but to me it seemed fake. And I let him know that pretty early on. (He stopped with the exclamation marks haha)

We texted for a couple months before we actually met up and I was the most nervous. I knew he was nice and I knew we had good conversation and I knew he was funny and obviously a cutie, but that was about it and it could have gone either way.

So why did I decide to actually meet with him? Because life is short. I knew that the sort of guy I had been going for hadn't been working for me. And I knew that at the very least I would leave with us being friends.

If you are currently in a rut with dating, try going for someone different. Devon is literally the best person for me that I have ever been with. We have our differences but so many more similarities. We have the same sense of humour, and complement each other really well. Of course there are always things to work on, but I can honestly say that every single day I live with this kid I am grateful to have him around. And I never get texted exclamation marks anymore :)

Why I Stopped Taking Birth Control

Friday, December 16, 2016

(Start ramble) I've been on birth control since I was 17. Since then I have never not been on it. I've only ever used the pill and never had any problem with it. UNTIL last year.

Last winter I got a really bad virus. We're talking worst ever. Three weeks in bed with not a whole lot of food. Thought I was dying, with countless of walk-in clinics and the doctors not being able to find anything except "it's just a really bad virus." I blame it on living with children but who knows. Anyway, I swear that the virus changed some things in my body, because after I healed and was back at work, I started getting really bad migraines regularly. I've gotten migraines with vision loss before, but never very often. These started happened almost every day, and taking care of a toddler is not an easy task when you can't see and your head feels like The Rock has his hands on either side and is squeezing as hard as he can.

I tried changing my diet, my sleep habits, my water intake but nothing was working. So I started doing my own research and obviously decided that I was dying. Lots of trips to the walk-in clinics (I didn't have a doctor while living in Toronto) to try and figure it out, or figure out what meds would help. On one particular visit the doctor was asking me the standard questions, "Do you take any medications?" "Just birth control." She confirmed it was the pill and then got super worried that I was having blood clots in my legs, which is a possible side effect of the pill, and said I needed to go to emerg. Which of course freaked me right out because I can't deal with anything medical. I had the baby so I told myself that it was enough of an excuse to wait until the next morning when my sister, Bridget could go with me.

The next morning bright and early we hopped on the street car and went to the hospital. Where we waited for about 6 hours in total for various tests and results. I got an ultrasound done on my legs, my blood tested, everything else tested. They found nothing except "must be a virus." And I went on my way.

While all this was happening I was in the process of getting a doctor, and I finally had an appointment. It was just a regular check up, but I mentioned how crazy my health had been and she started asking me some questions. She wanted to know what pill I had been taking (Marvelon) and said that to her limited knowledge, that would be making my migraines worse. She switched me immediately to the mini pill, and booked me an appointment with a specialist.

Fast forward to the specialist appointment. By this point I had been on the new birth control for a month or so, and stopped having migraines. He agreed that it was a smart change and gave me some more tips and I moved away from Toronto. In Sarnia, my skin started getting really bad, which I attributed to moving and stress and blah blah. But I did all the things I should do and changed all the things I should change and it wasn't getting any better. I googled my new birth control and saw that while other pills improve your skin, this one makes it worse. Great.

I went to see a doctor to talk about my birth control options. And I had next to none. Basically there are the birth controls that contain estrogen (the majority of them) which caused me to have migraines, and there are the other ones, progestin-only, that cause me to have bad skin. These are limited to the mini-pill, which I have been taking, and the depo-shot, which is the same hormone in a different format. Aka there is no reason why it would be any different than the mini-pill.

It's frustrating, because I never had a problem with the pill. I remembered to take it every day and I felt great. And now I can't seem to find something that will work. So what did I do? Stopped taking it. And started doing research on "natural birth control" aka the fertility awareness method. Which I always thought was a funny joke and why doesn't everyone just take the pill because it's so easy. Jokes on me. I have no idea how this will go but we will see. Wish me luck pretty please. And if you have any advice, resources, stories, I would loooove to hear!

The Worst Parts of Living with my BF

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I love this kid, and seeing him every day is the best. I actually look forward to seeing him after work and leave love notes everywhere, that's how lame I am. But with all the laughs comes some downsides. Here are my least fave parts of cohabitation.

1. Toot Storms. Why are boys so stinky. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to leave the room due to lack of oxygen, or woken up to a toot storm in the bedroom. He's learning to squeeze his cheeks until I'm at a safe distance. But jeez, boy needs to eat less eggs or something ;)

2. Lack of Texts. I was spoiled rotten before we moved in together because he was a great texter. We did long distance for awhile and texted pretty much all day. And always said goodnight and always said good morning, and I have a trillion screenshots of sweet texts he sent. Obviously because we are always together that doesn't happen as often anymore, and that's definitely something I miss!

3. The Sleeping. The bed we have here is not big enough. And we are eventually one day going to get the bigger one from his parent's house buuuut ya. It's a double and he is wide and I get lots of elbows in my head such throughout the night. Great for cuddling, not so great for having your own space.

4. Cleaning. I am a little OCD and like things clean, and he is more laid back in that area. Which means I do a lot of the cleaning up. Sometimes fine, sometimes not so into it. I never had a dishwasher growing up, but then had one in college. We don't have one here and I miss it! I actually like tidying up, it's the deep cleaning that I could do without sometimes :)

That's all I got for now!
What is your least favourite part of living with your significant other?

Living with My Boyfriend (so far)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hey guys! It's been a hot minute but I had a day off and thought I would write a little something :)

Devon and I have been living together for 2 and a half months now. It's been interesting, mainly good times, but definitely some tough times. I expected there to be an adjustment period but it's been a little different than what I thought. Last time I lived with a boyfriend I was 19 and we lasted less than a month in the same house. So as of right now I've already improved ;)

Living together is awesome. We did long-distance since day 1 and I found myself always waiting for the next visit, so to literally see him every day is the best and I never take that for granted. Sometimes he's asleep and I look at him and just feel all warm and fuzzy because I get to wake up to him every single morning. (I'm a creep) It's having a live-in buddy who will always hang out with you. And we have fun together and he usually likes the dinners I cook ;)

Prior to living together I thought that the thing that would piss me off the most was his messiness. I'm a teeny bit OCD when it comes to the house being at least tidy, and he has no problem throwing clothes on the floor for a month straight and then getting around to dealing with them. I knew it would bug me and it does. Some days I get sassy about it and some days I don't mind putting them away myself. It's gotten better though, and he now has his own laundry basket ;) It's not even that I mind tidying up, because I generally don't. It's more the feeling that he's helping me. But like I said it is always improving and he does always listen to my crazy rants :)

The hardest part for me moving to Sarnia with him has been me feeling lonely. We both came here not knowing anybody, but with him starting school he made friends in his class really quickly. The only social group I am a part of is work, and I love the girls I work with, but because there are so few of us, we never have the same days off. Going forward I would love to get us all together, even for dinner or something. I need some girls in my life. Me not having anyone but him here has lead me to depends on him a little bit too much, and almost resent him for having friends some days. Which I know is silly but that feeling does creep out. 

I'd love to join something but haven't really found anything that interest me yet. The gym we go to (Fit4Less) doesn't offer classes so that's off the table. Hopefully over the next month I can meet some girlys and make my own little circle here. Because as important it is to have a fun life together, it's just as important to have your own fun life. Wish me luck!

QUIZ: Should we have moved in together?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Now that we live together I thought it would be a good time to see if we SHOULD live together and take a dumb little quiz I found on Google called 'Are You Ready To Move In Together.'

1. How much time do you spend together?
a) Every night
b) Once or twice a week, at most
c) Most nights

2. How often do you talk about the future?
a) All the time
b) Sometimes
c) Hardly ever

3. How well do you get along with his family?
a) Great!
b) I haven't met them yet
c) We don't see them that often

4. Are you both happy with how the money will separate out?
a) No, I hate the way he spends money
b) Yes, we have the same ideas about saving
c) I'm hoping it will sort itself out.

5. How long have you been in a relationship?
a) Over 2 years
b) 0-6 months
c) 6 months to a year

6. Have you talked about who will do what around the house?
a) I'll do it all.
b) We plan to split it
c) We'll just keep doing what we've been doing

7. How often do you argue?
a) All the time, but we always make up
b) From time to time but it quickly passes and we're quick to apologize
c) Hardly ever, and most of the time it's a heated discussion rather than a blowout.

8. How did you feel when you think about moving in?
a) I was a little nervous but excited
b) We've been fighting a lot and this is just what we need!
c) Kinda sick...

9. Have you both been faithful in your relationship?
a) We've had rocky patches but never strayed
b) One of us has cheated but we worked through it
c) Of course

10. What is your main motivation for moving in together?
a) We can't afford our own separate places
b) Saving money on bills but also we want to take that next step
c) We want to have our own place that we can start building our life together in

And.... the results!

Phew. I am so glad to hear that gives us the OK. But in all seriousness, I think this topic would be great to talk about so the next couple will be about cohabitation and what I've learned so far. And the worst parts of living with your boyfriend ;) #toots

Talk to you lataaaaa


Living in Toronto (August)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Two weeks late as usuallllll but here are the photos from my last month living in Toronto! It's still surreal to me to be living here in Sarnia with the boyfriend and working. There wasn't really a break at all. I jumped from one life into the next and I'm still taking it all in haha.

Dinner by sista.
High Park.
Shakespeare in High Park. 
Making things.
Smooches on the dock.
Also best.
View from the A-frame. 

In a sprinkled doughnut.
Visit with Hendrix.
Playing restaurant. I think I ordered pie. 
Cutest kids watching construction through the fence,
And off to an interview I go.
Falling asleep in the rocking chair on the porch. 
Heading to the Jays game!
Arrived at the Jays game. 
Bathroom selfies at the Steam Whistle Brewery where I plan to get married one day no joke. 
Touristy day.
Braxton and Wendy were there too :) 
Always taking photos of me when I'm in mid sentence or something......
Baby monkey turns TWOOO!
Practice ;)

Watching airplanes go by.
Tired kid. 
2 tired kids.
Last playdate with his besty June!
Cutest kiddos.
Like c'mon.
If you are ever in west-end Toronto. Home Bakery on Bloor. 
Bye guys :(

It was honestly one of the best years living in Toronto and I am so glad I got the opportunity to know this family better! I miss the kids so much already and am waiting for a weekend I have off so I can go back and visit so they don't forget me!

I'm thinking my next few posts will be about how to move in with your boyfriend and things along those lines :)


What I'm Going to Miss

Thursday, August 18, 2016

I have two weeks left with the kids and I cannot believe how fast time is going. The summer flew by and the days have been going faster and faster it seems. As excited as I am to be moving in with Devon and starting this next chapter in my life, of course I am also sad to be leaving this family I have gotten to know so well.

What am I going to miss about being a nanny?

The Parks.
All the parks. And the playgroups, kinder gyms, and playdates. It has been so much fun spending my days at these places. I have met some amazing women, both nannies and moms, who I will always remember. Another perk of spending so much time at these locations? The babies. So many babies always. If you know me you know this is what my heaven looks like.

Nap Time.
Taking care of both kids this summer has made this much less of an option, but all winter I could nap with the baby if I wanted to. I didn't very often, but those days when you are exhausted there is nothing better than being able to shut your eyes for a couple of hours. And when he was small enough, sometimes he would sleep on my belly. So snuggly.

Seeing life through the eyes of a child. It's pretty cool. It makes simple things interesting. Seeing them discover the world and play and grow and change. Seeing them observe situations and watching how they respond. I love it and it really does make you think.

Dance Parties.
We got a Sonos player in the kitchen in the winter, and since have been having daily dance parties. After we finish lunch I start playing the music (usually a lot of Drake and Rihanna) and we bust out our moves for awhile to get the last of the morning energy out before nap. Guys, I get paid to have after lunch dance parties with cute kids. I don't think there are too many jobs that offer this perk.

The Kids.
I have lived with this family for a whole year, and spent the majority of my time with one or both of the kids here. They have both taught me so much and made it clear that I want 10 kids one day. Just kidding. But in all honestly I love these two and I hope that I can continue a relationship with them. I will definitely be coming back to visit!


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