The Worst Parts of Living with my BF

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I love this kid, and seeing him every day is the best. I actually look forward to seeing him after work and leave love notes everywhere, that's how lame I am. But with all the laughs comes some downsides. Here are my least fave parts of cohabitation.

1. Toot Storms. Why are boys so stinky. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to leave the room due to lack of oxygen, or woken up to a toot storm in the bedroom. He's learning to squeeze his cheeks until I'm at a safe distance. But jeez, boy needs to eat less eggs or something ;)

2. Lack of Texts. I was spoiled rotten before we moved in together because he was a great texter. We did long distance for awhile and texted pretty much all day. And always said goodnight and always said good morning, and I have a trillion screenshots of sweet texts he sent. Obviously because we are always together that doesn't happen as often anymore, and that's definitely something I miss!

3. The Sleeping. The bed we have here is not big enough. And we are eventually one day going to get the bigger one from his parent's house buuuut ya. It's a double and he is wide and I get lots of elbows in my head such throughout the night. Great for cuddling, not so great for having your own space.

4. Cleaning. I am a little OCD and like things clean, and he is more laid back in that area. Which means I do a lot of the cleaning up. Sometimes fine, sometimes not so into it. I never had a dishwasher growing up, but then had one in college. We don't have one here and I miss it! I actually like tidying up, it's the deep cleaning that I could do without sometimes :)

That's all I got for now!
What is your least favourite part of living with your significant other?

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