Living with My Boyfriend (so far)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hey guys! It's been a hot minute but I had a day off and thought I would write a little something :)

Devon and I have been living together for 2 and a half months now. It's been interesting, mainly good times, but definitely some tough times. I expected there to be an adjustment period but it's been a little different than what I thought. Last time I lived with a boyfriend I was 19 and we lasted less than a month in the same house. So as of right now I've already improved ;)

Living together is awesome. We did long-distance since day 1 and I found myself always waiting for the next visit, so to literally see him every day is the best and I never take that for granted. Sometimes he's asleep and I look at him and just feel all warm and fuzzy because I get to wake up to him every single morning. (I'm a creep) It's having a live-in buddy who will always hang out with you. And we have fun together and he usually likes the dinners I cook ;)

Prior to living together I thought that the thing that would piss me off the most was his messiness. I'm a teeny bit OCD when it comes to the house being at least tidy, and he has no problem throwing clothes on the floor for a month straight and then getting around to dealing with them. I knew it would bug me and it does. Some days I get sassy about it and some days I don't mind putting them away myself. It's gotten better though, and he now has his own laundry basket ;) It's not even that I mind tidying up, because I generally don't. It's more the feeling that he's helping me. But like I said it is always improving and he does always listen to my crazy rants :)

The hardest part for me moving to Sarnia with him has been me feeling lonely. We both came here not knowing anybody, but with him starting school he made friends in his class really quickly. The only social group I am a part of is work, and I love the girls I work with, but because there are so few of us, we never have the same days off. Going forward I would love to get us all together, even for dinner or something. I need some girls in my life. Me not having anyone but him here has lead me to depends on him a little bit too much, and almost resent him for having friends some days. Which I know is silly but that feeling does creep out. 

I'd love to join something but haven't really found anything that interest me yet. The gym we go to (Fit4Less) doesn't offer classes so that's off the table. Hopefully over the next month I can meet some girlys and make my own little circle here. Because as important it is to have a fun life together, it's just as important to have your own fun life. Wish me luck!

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