Apartment Inspo

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

In approx. 50 days I will be leaving Toronto and my job as mommy #2 and heading off to start a new adventure. Devon and I are moving to a little town where he will do a year long firefighting course, and I will do something super cool that I haven't figured out.... Haha I'm pondering both childcare and marketing, but open to anything. We will see. 

The fun part right now is slowly buying apartment things and deciding what we want it to look like. Luckily we have the same taste and lucky for me he is the most easy going and I get to make most of the final decisions :) 

I am super into white and neutrals. We have all white linens and will be getting all white basic dishes. Because I am picky about those two areas. We already have a white bed and dresser, and I am into this kitchen table, but think it might be a little flimsy for da boy?

I feel like we need some life in the place (having no puppy and all) and want to get some big potted plants like the one above, a fish bowl, and grow some things in pots on the balcony. The house I live in right now has the most amazing vegetable garden, and while veggies aren't my favorite thing ever, I am definitely into the idea. I have already bought a strawberry plant, and am thinking tomatos and green beans...

We go see a place this weekend that looks amazing and we both have high hopes for. Send good vibes!

All photos, with the exception of the fishbowl, are from Ikea


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