ABC Questions

Monday, June 20, 2016

24 questions about me, with random irrelevant photos included! If you do this please link it below and I will check it out! :)

A- Age: 24! 24 was a jump for me and I'm not sure why... but I feel like I'm ready to be a grown up and do grown up things. As long as I can still get kid meals and hang out at the park all day ;)

B- Biggest fear: Obviously people I love dying, cancer in general is a big one, whales and bears...

C- Current time: 9:19pm. I just went to the grocery store and bought snacks

D- Drink you last had: Water. Always water.
E- Every day starts with: High-pitched voices on the other side of the wall (my room and the bathroom share a wall) and too many alarm clocks going off.

F- Favorite song: I don't know if it's my favourite but currently listening to One Dance, Needed Me, and Too Good a lot a lot. I like Drake and Riri.

G- Ghosts, are they real?: Nope.
H- Hometown: Carleton Place, ON. Town of about 10,000 outside of Ottawa.
I- In love with: My boyfriend, friends, family, etc etc. Life is pretty good right now.
J- Jealous of: People with boobs, which I do not have.  People with AC, which I do not have. People who can eat whatever they want, which I cannot due to my tummy hates everything lately. People who have natural glowing tans, which I will never have.

K- Killed someone?: Never ever.
L- Last time you cried?: This weekend because I had a frustrating day and was being dramatic and needed a hug and a nap. I got both and life was good again.
M- Middle name: Mary.
N- Number of siblings: A younger sister by 2 years, and a younger brother by 5 years. They are both great and I love being 1/3. When I'm a mom I definitely hope it's to 3 kiddos :)
O- One wish: That nobody ever got sick beyond a common cold. And that the world had free wifi. That was 2.

P- Person you last called: Landlords for potential apartments.
Q- Question you're always asked: How are you feeling. I've been sick for what feels like 5 years now and can't really figure out the cause so I've been on a really restricted diet. Yuck.
R- Reason to smile: Reason not to smile would be easier. Life is so great right now and I have very few complaints! Summer is here and I have some really fun weekends coming up, and the end of summer means moving in with my boy which we are both super excited for!
S- Song last sang: I was listening to an old school party hits song on Google Play while we had lunch so probably something off of that.
T- Time you woke up: 6:30, and hit snooze until 7.

U- Underwear color: Ummmm greeny bluey.
V- Vacation destination: I have wanted to go to Fiji since it was on a Bachelor (or maybe Bachelorette) episode. It looked so lush and beautiful. And then after watching Eat Pray Love, I added Bali to that list. But in reality I wouldn't say no to much because I haven't been too many places.
W- Worst habit: Eating too many treats. Getting myself worked up over silly things.

X- X-Ray's you've had: Teeth for sure. I've never broken anything so I don't think I've had anything else.
Y- Your favorite food: Burgers. A&W Burgers specifically. 
Z- Zodiac sign: Gemini! 

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