Living in Toronto (June)

Monday, July 25, 2016

I am almost a month late on this one but I swear I have a (semi) good excuse! My computer broke at the beginning of the month and had to go to the doctors and get better. Thank god my model was covered and I saved myself $800... And then the blogger app on my phone screwed up so I deleted to download again. And it's not a thing anymore. That's how I would get photos on posts from my phone. So right now I am emailing to myself and then saving them to my computer and then putting them on here... Does anybody have a way they prefer??? Share your secrets!

Anyway, June was great. But every month is great. And it went really fast and I don't know what I did. Let's see if I can remember anything.

Devon's mom did my lashes as a late birthday present!

Birthday boy

At the arcade

Mom visiting so we went to the farm!

Cool farm walls

Things that make my heart happy.

Pregnant car

Family in town, trying 'Fresh'

All organic, vegan, many gluten free options!

We all felt very good after our meals, none of that feeling of being too full you usually get after eating out!

Fam jam minus Henry!

Wishing I could see inside

Exploring our future home. Only a month and a bit to go!!

Big boy

Not the nicest art, but the message is very true, It takes a village to raise a child.

Pees from the garden!

My sisters house playing with the camera timer

Down by the data

Going to miss this place a lil

All I want in life is this robe

Baby toes

And matching shoes

Scootering to school!

My July photo dump will be on time, and then August is my last month in Toronto!
I hope you are all having an amazing summer with friends and family, enjoy it while it lasts!

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