My 1st Lash Extension Experience

Friday, June 17, 2016

My boyfriend's mom does lash extensions, and she has been wanting to do mine since she met me in November. We finally coordinated our schedules and she did mine as a late birthday present!

First of all, I can see why people do this on the regular. Especially moms. I got to lie down with a pillow under my legs and a blanket over me (a heated blanket nonetheless) and listen to spa music for 2 hours. And then you wake up looking pretty? Ya. I get why this is a thing now.

The first hour I was barely conscious. I don't know if I was asleep because when she asked me questions I responded haha, but I was pretty darn close. Halfway through I woke up fully and we talked for awhile. It's apparently harder to keep your eyes shut when you're talking, because I could feel that mine were fluttering. This probably caused some fumes to get in there, and my eyes were red when I finally opened them as you can see in the pictures, but that went down, (and was totally my fault, oops!)

I've had them for 5 days now and I love them. I kind of laughed when I would hear people say that having lash extensions saved them a lot of time, but it's true! Not only the lack of mascara and eyeliner in my life now, but also the time spent rubbing my eyes trying to get said makeup off is eliminated. I definitely had to get used to not touching my eyelashes or rubbing them, but that didn't take very long at all.

Are they worth paying for? Yes.
Should you get them? Yes.
Should you get longer ones than you originally thought? Probably yes.

Have you gotten eyelash extensions before? What is your favourite part about having them?

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