Parenting Tips from a Non-Parent (part 2)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Teaching a toddler when to say please and thank you was not something on my to-do list when I started this position. And not something I had on my mind 6 months into the position. I am beginning month 11/12 and for the majority of my time here, he hasn't been very vocal. We worked on hi and bye for a month, and then moved onto poo and pee. Please and Thank you were't worked on for a very long time, but luckily for me, kids are sponges. And monkey see, monkey do.

I don't exactly think about, or notice that I'm saying my pleases and my thank yous. I just do. And Loic picked up on that and all of a sudden he was saying please when he needed help with his shoe, and thank you after I had done up the velcro. Manners look good on anyone, but they look especially good on a toddler with a cute little high-pitched voice.

I think that manners are one of the most important things you can teach your children, and make a huge difference. There are always kids at parks and playgroups who have them, and those who don't. And everyone notices. It's also important to realize that it's not just the quiet, low-key children that have manners at these places. The crazy ones do too ;)

There is a lot of controversy with kids saying sorry. People believe that they shouldn't be saying it until they understand what it means, and can actually connect it to FEELING sorry. I don't disagree with that opinion, but I do like kids saying sorry. And it feels really weird to see kids hitting another kid, and their parents not request an apology... I've been thinking about writing a whole post on this so one may be coming in the near future...


Enforce manners. You will thank yourself later. It's a great habit for kids to get into, and I think it should happen as soon as it possibly can. Feel free to add your two cents below, I'd love to hear!


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