Living in Toronto (July)

Monday, August 1, 2016

July was amazing. I was feeling a lot better (I've been sick forever!) and the weather has been perfect. I'm also starting to get excited about moving to Sarnia. It's finally close enough that it's real, but don't even ask me about leaving the kids. I can't handle thinking about it yet...

Canada Day at the Blue Jays game!
After 19 innings...
Sugar Beach is a man-made beach downtown. You can't swim but it's a pretty cool spot.
And there are pink umbrellas. Very instagramable.

Matching the umbrellas perfectly!
Off to the park with the kids.
Happy heart watching these two.
Rare appearance at the gym sporting a fake tan.
Constantly repeating "Up the stairs, down the slide!" 
Thank god for parks.
Kelseys redid themselves and I'm feeling it.
Why are these raincoats the cutest thing ever.
Surprise flowers had me cheeesing.
Walking through new alleys.

He worked all night, drove to Toronto, and then came to the park with us instead of going straight to bed. She was a little happy about this :)
Finally getting to enjoy my birthday present, Snoop Dogg!
Lawn seats at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre.

RIP to my shoes. One broke leaving and I went home on the bus with 1. And this is why we don't buy 10 dollar sandals from Ardene. Lesson learned. Maybe. 
We went to Ikea and spent hours and had the most fun and bought grown up things for the apartment. You know you're growing up when buying a kitchen table is the most exciting thing of the week.

And so begins my last(!) month in Toronto. I can't believe that everything will be changing so soon, and I don't think it will actually hit me until I'm lying in my bed in a new city. I have two weeks off of work starting today, and I have nothing at all to do so hopefully I can keep busy. Gym?? This month I'm spending a weekend at the cottage, camping with Devon's family, and potentially doing a little road trip to Trenton.

Happy August everyone! Enjoy the heat while it lasts!



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