Living in Toronto (December)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I only spent half of the month actually in Toronto before I went home for the holidays, so there aren't a whole lot of photos in this month. It was fairly warm and we were able to get out and do things, and no snow! The family got together and went to the Toronto Christmas Market one night. Bridget and I had already eaten dinner but there were lots of cool shops to look in and lots of things to see. It was my first time in the distillery district and I highly recommend checking it out! I also went to London for a weekend to visit friends and see my grandparents, and then had a friend from London come visit me in Toronto. December flew by, (but then again all of the months seem to.)

Bridget at the Christmas Market. If you took a photo in this frame and posted it on social media you got  a free Burt's Bees lip chap. And I got one for taking the photo ;)        
Humongous tree at the market
Beautiful lightsss
Merry go round. We went on the ferris wheel instead, and it was freezing cold and long and I should have spent the money on hot chocolate instead...
Making Christmas cards
Messy hair and fake tans
Snapchat on the greyhound on the way to London
Partay prep and a little lung workout for me
Boys jamming to Justin Bieber because it's cool to do now
Once a year I go out because #old
Grandad's painting in London! 
Back in Toronto, play dough at play group that was sew pretty
Christmas crazy house spotted
On Friday nights I go to the gym and climb up stairs for an hour...
London pal came for a visit and I made him do this with me because doing it alone was maybe a bit too far
And then we had a really healthy breakfast
And some delicious pasta and beer for dinner!
This bowl was bigger than my head

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