Christmas 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas this year was weird, in the sense that it was warm, there was no snow, and we only had one guest for dinner. We also decided to go super easy on the gifts, initiated by my and my sister, Bridget. (a poor student and a poor recent grad!) But despite all this it was a really nice, simple and relaxing day.

Out for an afternoon walk with Bindy
Bridget and I  
Missing Henry, who stayed home on the couch!
Henry, Bridget and I in our Christmas sweaters
Mixtape or...
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The whole family in the "gaze at dad" shot
Forgot my real camera in Toronto... hello iPhone quality
Dad had fake teeth in and none of us realized!
One of the smallest Christmas tables we have ever had 
The fam
Fake teeth from our crackers were a huge hit
Santa cheesecake squares by Bridget
With homemade whipped cream

I hope everyone had a beautiful day filled with loved ones and amazing food! If you did a Christmas photo dump on your blog, please link below so I can check it out :)

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