Home for the Holidays

Saturday, December 26, 2015

I decided to separate these photos from the ones taken on Christmas Day, because there are a lot of those. So these are photos leading up to Christmas. It's been super warm and rainy and while it would have been nice to have some snow for Christmas, I've been pretty okay with it. Being home and getting to spend time with the family has been great, and I've also had a nasty cold so it's been nice being able to sleep in! 
Home, warm and rainy
At the ball diamond with the dog
Sugar cookies
pt 2
At the Canadian Museum of History where my dad works to catch an Imax movie about Vikings
Henry posing with a viking lady
Bridget and I about to drop a mixtape with these fellas
Nails from a viking ship
At Parliament for the Sound and Light show
In the pouring rain of course
Pretty cool
Christmas Eve temperatures???
The siblings
Drunk santa
First ever themed Gingerbread house

My cacti in the Christmas spirit
The classics

The next post will be Christmas Day photos! Hope everyone is having a great holiday and enjoying time with their family!

1 comment :

  1. Your blog is so sweet! Thanks for sharing and good luck in 2016 :)


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