Skating on the Rideau Canal

Thursday, February 18, 2016

If you are from anywhere other than Ontario, you probably have never heard of the Rideau Canal. If you are from Ottawa or the surrounding area, I hope you have. Basically the man-made canal runs through Ottawa and connects Ottawa to Kingston. In the winter months, a section is turned into a skate way, and is actually the world's largest skating rink. (7.8km)

Being born in Ottawa, my parents always made a point to take us. So I have been many times, but since I went to school and moved away, I haven't made it. And I was really hoping I could make it this year. Luckily I got myself a male friend who likes to drive and was willing to take me to it! This past weekend we spent at my parent's house, and made it to the canal, ending my 5 year hiatus!

Selfie in the car before we braved the -32 weather.
I have 2 scarves on. And 4 shirts. And 2 pairs of pants.
147203 almost wipeouts for me. 0 actual wipeouts for me.
My eye was watering from the cold hence the mascara on my face.
His legs were a variety of bad looking colours.
Somebody forgot to bring his skates in from the car the day before and they were freeezing. Warming them up by the fire.
We skated half of it. And then skated back. So basically we skated 7k!
Super fun day and definitely worth the cold!

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