Baby Names

Friday, November 27, 2015

I like to think of this blog as some sort of journal that I will be able to look back on at certain points in my life and laugh(?) at. I have always been into names. I remember being at the grocery store, probably around the age of 10, and my mom telling me I could pick out a magazine. I picked out a little baby names book thing instead. I then proceeded to go through multiple times with the highlighter and pick out my favourites. I have since upgraded to a huge baby names book but I still pulled out the highlighter on it. :) I would love to be able to look back at these lists when I actually have kids and see if any of the names made the cut.

    Just today at daycare I was "casually" looking at the sign in sheet, where parents have to write their names and their child's. It's always so interesting to see all the kids names, because in this city you get quite the selection! Do you have any favourite names for your future offspring?

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