101 Things in 1001 Days

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Most of the blogs I follow are mom blogs, which I am not. So one night I decided to look for bloggers more in my age group. What I found was many of them doing the 101 in 1001 challenge. The idea is writing down 101 things you would like to accomplish in 1001 days, which is approx. 2.75 years. It can be anything and everything, and i make lists like there's no tomorrow so why not!



1 | Pay off half of my OSAP.

2 | Re-learn how to use the manual mode on my DSLR.
3 | Enjoy cooking.
4 | Learn how to drive standard.
5 | Go to a concert.
6 | Run a race.
7 | Get a big girl job.
8 | Hit 2000 followers on Instagram.
9 | Buy domain name.
10 | Get an Apple desktop computer.
11 | Get a boob job.
12 | Buy a puppy.
13 | Be at 12% body fat.
14 | Get myself a man.
15 | Go camping (and enjoy it.)
16 | Volunteer.
17 | Learn how to tie a tie.
18 | Go on a date with a stranger.
19 | Open a retirement savings account.
20 | Travel somewhere new.
21 | Go axe-throwing.
22 | Leg press 200 pounds. 
23 | Print a hardcover book of photos from the year.
24 | Wear heels out to a fancy dinner.
25 | Get engaged.
26 | No processed foods for 5 days.
27 | See a sunset on purpose.
28 | Visit NYC.
29 | Take a snowboarding lesson.
30 | Take 4 classes at the gym within a month.
31 | Read 30 books. (3/30) (Nasty Gal, Down the Rabbit Hole, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children,  )
32 | Take an art class.
33 | Get a professional massage.
34 | Learn how to do a fishtail braid.
35 | Move into an apartment.
36 | Learn lettering.
37 | Throw someone a party.
38 | Get a facial.
39 | Pay for someone else in a drive-thru.
40 | Make a resume website.
41 | Create a budget and stick to it for a month.
42 | Get a palm reading.
43 | Change all government IDs.
44 | Leave an 100% tip on a meal.
45 | Be able to touch my toes.
46 | Go through all my clothes and donate everything I don't wear.
47 | Go to a show. (musical/broadway/etc)
48 | Create a media kit.
49 | Buy a designer purse.
50 | Participate in one of Katy Hearn's challenges.
51 | Eat at a vegan restaurant. 
52 | Try vegan poutine.
53 | Buy good pair of heels.
54 | Take 'professional' headshot photos.
55 | Get my G license. 
56 | Try 3 new local restaurants. (1/3) (Me & Mine, )
57 | Get a pedicure.
58 | Clean out my iPhoto library.
59 | Take a pole dancing fitness class.
60 | Skate on the canal.
61 | Go to the Tulip Festival.
62 | Watch a Ted Talk.
63 | Do a needlepoint piece. 
64 | Go on a trip with my mom.
65 | Take a cooking class.
66 | Schedule social media posts.
67 | Leg Extension 150lbs. (currently: 115lbs)
68 | Go on a picnic.
69 | Update & Organize my Pinterest account.
70 | Shoot a pistol.
71 | Buy a picnic blanket.
72 | Meet with a Financial Advisor.
73 | Have 300 followers on Twitter.
74 | Clean out my email.
75 | No fast food for a month.
76 | Go to brunch.
77 | Visit Niagara Falls.
78 | Don't shop for 1 month.
79 | Write a letter.
80 | Attend a wedding.
81 | Go to a drive-in movie.
82 | Get brows threaded.
83 | Get eyelash extensions.
84 | Try lobster.
85 | Go horseback riding.
86 | Take a boy up to the lookout at Big Bay.
87 | Pay for my own phone bill.
88 | Move to a new city.
89 | Bake a cheesecake.
90 | Do a family Christmas card.
91 | Visit the zoo.
92 | Sponsor a child.
93 | Go to Toronto Island.
94 | Go to Le Nordik Spa.
95 | Do bootcamp at a gym.
96 | Bake a pie.
97 | Go to a planetarium.
98 | Get 100 blog followers.
99 | Get 10,000 page views.
100 | Wear a couples Halloween costume with someone.
101 | Get laser hair removal.


1 comment :

  1. I'm so glad you decided to do this challenge! I love the goal: "find someone who I can trick into marrying me" haha that's such a good one! :) And the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind is actually really interesting, might do it as well. Wish you the best of luck to accomplish all these goals :) x


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